As of 2/10/25, the CLTS intake phone number is affected by a phone outage. If the phone number is out of service when you call, you may instead call our front desk at 608-242-6200 and ask to be routed to the CLTS intake line 2-6226. The front desk is open Monday to Friday, 7:45 am to 4:30 pm.
Wisconsin's Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program (including the Katie Beckett Program and the Children's Community Options Program) makes Medicaid funding available to support children with substantial limitations due to developmental, physical, or severe emotional disabilities who are living at home or in the community. Funding can be used to support a range of services based on an assessment of the needs of the child and his or her family.
The CLTS waiver is available to children or youth who meet the following criteria:
A child/youth must also require a level of care that is typically provided in a setting such as a hospital, nursing home, or institution for people with developmental disabilities. A screening tool known as the Functional Screen is used to determine a person's level of care.
Services for Children with Delays or Disabilities
Wisconsin has multiple programs available for children with delays or disabilities. These programs assist families in caring for their child at home and in the community. Dane County assists families residing in our county with intake, eligibility and enrollment for the following children's long-term care programs:
Katie Becket Medicaid
The Katie Beckett Program is for children under 19 years old with long-term disabilities or complex medical needs. Children who are not eligible for other Medicaid programs because their parents' income or assets are too high may be eligible for Medicaid through the Katie Beckett Program.
Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program
The Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program provides services for children and young adults under the age of 22 with significant developmental, physical, or emotional disabilities. Supports and services are available to help participants and their families to remain in their home or community. The child and family work with a support and services coordinator to identify needs, develop goals and create an individualized service plan. Individualized plans may include services such as adaptive aids, assistive technology, home modifications, child and family education and training, counseling and therapeutic services not covered by other insurance, daily living skills training, respite, supportive home care and other supports unique to a child's needs.
Children' Community Options Program (CCOP)
The Children's Community Options Program provides a coordinated approach to supporting families who have a child with a disability under the age of 22. The intention is to better support, nurture, and facilitate self-determination, interdependence, and inclusion in all facets of community life for the child and family not covered by other Medicaid-funded programs.
To start the intake, eligibility and enrollment process call or e-mail:
(608) 242-6226
As of 2/10/25, the CLTS intake phone number is affected by a phone outage. If the phone number is out of service when you call, you may instead call our front desk at 608-242-6200 and ask to be routed to the CLTS intake line 2-6226. The front desk is open Monday to Friday, 7:45 am to 4:30 pm.
An intake worker will assist families to complete an intake application, schedule a meeting with child and family, determine care needs based on a functional screen and gather information to determine disability. Once found eligible and enrolled in a long-term care program, the child and family will receive on-going support and service coordination directly from Dane County or one of our contracted agencies, which include:
To learn more about Wisconsin's services for children with disabilities and delays:
To learn more about services covered by the Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) program