Almost all children in Foster Care in Dane County need temporary placements until they can safely return home or to a relative. Dane County foster parents care for children who cannot remain with birth families for a variety of reasons including child maltreatment, medical issues, physical disabilities, or the emotional or physical needs of their parents.
...consider becoming a foster parent and make a lifetime of difference.
All Dane County Foster parents are licensed in the same manner but there are different specialties available:
Below are the actions you must take to become a Dane County Foster Parent:
Do you have more questions? Would you like to apply?
Please call 608-334-4417 or email to speak with Dawn Douglas.
Or, visit the FAQ page to have more of your questions answered.
Thank you for your interest. We hope you become a part of the change you would like to see. Become a CHANGE AGENT in the life of a child!