At any given time, nearly 6,000 children are in foster care in Wisconsin. If you can provide a loving, safe, and stable environment, get involved and make a difference. Become a Dane County foster parent!
“My experiences as a foster parent have been challenging at times yet fulfilling and rewarding all the more. My foster son has also learned a number of valuable life-changing lessons that will shape his life forever. Meanwhile, I feel extremely honored to make the difference in the lives of the children we welcome into our home.”
- A Current Dane County Foster Parent
These are children and youth in your community. They may be victims of abuse or neglect, or affected by domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse, mental illness, or do not have a strong support network to help them cope with everyday challenges. They want to remain connected to their families, even if they are unable to live with them.
Are you related to a child or teen in need of care and want to help? Please read more about our Kinship Care Program here.
Dane County Foster Care Statistics:
55% Male
44% Female
63% Victims of child abuse or neglect
11% Juvenile Justice
61% Youth of color
44% Age 12 and older
At any given time, Dane County has 40-50 teenagers who need a foster home. Often they are placed in either temporary foster homes or more restrictive placements such as group homes and shelters. Studies show that teens placed in foster care are less likely to return to care and have more successful outcomes than youth placed in more restrictive settings.
When you foster teens, you have the ability to help them succeed as adults by preparing them to effectively transition to adulthood. You can help them access funding for college and other job training opportunities. When foster parents stay connected to youth after they become young adults, they are less likely to become homeless or incarcerated. If you can help just one teen, you are making a huge difference for generations to come. Get started today.